Rocco Procaccini Burial Location and Tribute
Provided by Princeton Memorial Park and Memorial Properties
Memorial Properties knows the complexities involved with the passing of a loved one, relative, or dear friend. That’s why we’ve taken the time to provide those interested with information about Rocco Procaccini and their specific burial location at Princeton Memorial Park in New Jersey.
Deceased Name: Rocco Procaccini
Date of Birth: 10/11/1931
Date of Death: 1/16/2022
Cemetery Location: Princeton Memorial Park
Type of Interment: Entombment
Date of the Burial: 1/27/2022
Day of the Burial: Thursday
Location of Burial: Bldg 2, D, 166
Funeral Home: Saul Funeral Home
Funeral Home Address: 3795 Knottingham Way
Hamilton Square, NJ 08690
Learn more about Memorial Properties’ locations here.
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The memorialization process doesn’t have to end with burial. Do you have photos, obituaries or anecdotes of Rocco Procaccini that remember them fondly? If so, help keep good memories alive by letting us share them here. Contact us at [email protected].