Coptic and Egyptian Burial Rituals in New Jersey
Founded in Egypt during the first century, the Coptic Christian Church prides itself on tradition, and its members have deep-rooted seeds of belief in their ways. Their funeral services are no exception, andMemorial Propertiesunderstands that. Our mission is to pay respect – not only to the deceased and their traditions but to the wishes of their family members and loved ones as well. To do so, we at Memorial Properties have dedicated ourselves to learning the ways of several differentfunerary traditions, Coptic Orthodox and Egyptian funerals included. Out of respect to the religion, we offer a variety of burial packages and programs in New Jersey for those who wish to honor their traditions or incorporate different aspects of their religion into their funeral and burial services.
We give those in NJ access to several different burial services, includingin-ground burial,above-ground burial, andcremation. We have burial spaces available both individually and side-by-side so that everyone’s needs and wishes can be satisfied after death. We also offer pre-planning services for those of all religious and cultural backgrounds so arrangements can be made ahead of time and costs and stress can be saved in the future. We have been addressing the major trends in the NJ/NY death care industry since 1985, and we want to provide your family with the compassionate and thorough burial services you deserve during this difficult time.